Tuesday, February 17, 2015

#81 - The Trappings of the Weaver

After disabling the undead beholder and its minions, Aleae, Clarion, and I walked over to the pool in the center of the large expanse. In the center of the 80-foot-diameter pool was a platform with a large metal chalice atop. The chalice was glowing with magical light, the color changing periodically. As we got closer, I could tell that this chalice was quite large, possibly troll- or ogre-sized; to those of us who drink it would be more like a trophy than a useable drinking vessel. Clarion determined that the entire pool was a desecrated area—"unholy" in some respect—and by the look of the putrid, green-hued, tepid water I believed him.

Aleae and I were working out a plan to retrieve the chalice for further study that did not involve our having to enter the pool when Magnus flashed his lantern at us, indicating that he and Dar had discovered something in a room closer to where we entered this expansive room, this Chamber of Offering (as Irakas called it). He was clearly insistent so we made haste to the room. Dar said she heard something inside and the rattling of metal, possibly chain. I carefully picked the lock on the door, taking extra care not to make any sound.  Magnus rushed in to the room.

The room seemed to be both a bed chamber and weaver’s workshop. In the center of the room was a round table covered with swatches of colored cloth. In the corner was a huge, four-poster bed with grand red satin sheets, large enough for an ogre or the like. There was a loom and spindle and lots of raw materials for making fabrics. And attached to the table via heavy chain (non-magical, I would soon find out) was a human male. Interestingly, I noticed the human was garbed in rather expensive looking clothing that would normally have signified to me his association with the nobility of Aundair, had I met him anywhere else in the Five Nations. The clothing was a bit tattered to be sure, but undoubtedly Aundairian design. In a Draconic whisper I asked Clarion if he thought he could establish a rapport with the Aundairian, who looked significantly shocked and overwhelmed by our party of eleven. Clarion attempted to engage the man, being sure to expose his religious and Aundairian symbols, but with little effect. Possibly the man was too traumatized by his initial interaction, which was with Magnus who for some reason had simply walked into the room, mace in hand, and started gesturing at the human without speaking any words.

Magnus also spent an inordinate amount of time stealing glances at the large bed in the corner. For a human so driven to movement and violence, he is extremely fond of sleep.

Finally, Kard approached the man with words of compassion and understanding. Kard explained—rather well, I thought—to the man that we were not interested in hurting him and in fact would like to help him if we could. The Aundairian spoke back very deliberately and in a partially whispered voice in the Common tongue. He would not say his name when asked and was very distressed by our presence. He wasn’t very forthcoming with information but not, I guessed, by preference. I was able to discern only that he was somehow ensorcelled and if he were to reveal any information about himself or his captor, the captor in question would know of it immediately—and return.

Soon Irakas shuffled into the room abruptly and closed the door. "Something comes!" she has warned us. I picked the lock on one of the room's other doors which led to a torch-lit storage room full of elaborate carpets. We moved into that room, promising to come back for the captive Aundairian at another time. Temporarily quelling the magical lights, the hobgoblins peered out the northern door, for it looked back into the Chamber of Offering.

Irakas, with her darkvision, reported seeing a carrion crawler guided by a few smaller humanoids. Magnus and I had less-than-fond memories of the large, wormlike creatures not so long ago. The Seren especially, for he had been paralyzed by their mouth-tendrils in the past.

"Goblins?" she whispered, clearly disturbed by the idea that kindred members of her own race could be allied with our enemies. "But no, something is wrong with them." She would not say what. She only concluded with, "They are cleaning up." Then we closed the door to remain hidden.

After much discussion, we decided to attempt to rest in the carpet room. Almost completely devoid of magic and most of us in need of repair we were running out of options. I spiked the doors and inspected each lock to ensure that I could unlock them quickly if needed. The spikes would ensure us precious seconds should someone come and unlock one of the three doors in the room.

We were able to rest for over an hour, allowing some time for repairs, before an unknown party of creatures arrived outside one of the doors. When it was clear that we were found out, by one of the creatures exclaiming, “I smell living flesh!" I unlocked the door on the opposite side of the room, removed the iron spike, and Magnus rushed out of the room. Into a trap.

A slender but clearly undead elven woman sneaked up on Magnus and routed him with her unnatural claws. She even latched onto Kard and bit into his shoulder with her fangs. The vampiric elf proved to be a very sturdy opponent, but we were able to destroy her as a group. To be sure of her demise, I instructed Rungo to tear her corpus apart where it had been smashed, burnt, and frozen to the wall by Magnus's administrations. Kard had also doused her with holy water and that has so far proven an effective melter of undead flesh.

It was good that we destroyed her, because coming around the corner were more unknown enemies. Dar summoned an overgrowth of weeds and brambles to slow down the oncoming attackers.  And the battle continued.

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